Job Council News

How to Succeed in a New Job

new job

A new job brings excitement, pressure, and a host of other feelings. Whether you’re starting a full-time position or just an internship, there are always things to learn, people to meet, and expectations to manage. Here are some tips to help you get off to a good start and feel confident in your role!

Get your personal life in order: During the week before you start, plan a few tasks like shopping for work clothes or test driving your commute to make sure everything’s ready to go. The less you have to worry about, the more you can focus on your new professional role.

Research the company and position before your first day: You likely did some digging into company culture during the interview process, but it’s important to revisit this before you start your new job. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the company’s mission and values, how employees are expected to behave, and what it takes to succeed in your role.

Take the initiative: Be proactive in your new role by stepping up to contribute and share your ideas. It will show your boss and coworkers that you’re eager to learn and capable in your new position. It’s also a great way to get to know your coworkers and build a solid network.

Find a mentor: During your first week, find someone who can help you navigate the company’s culture and your role, and invite them out to lunch or coffee. Ideally, this person can be your manager or a coworker who has been at the company longer. However, if you can’t find a mentor within your organization, reach out to outside professionals or peers for guidance.

Be mindful of burnout: It can be easy to get distracted by a shiny new title or perks in a new job and forget why you made the switch in the first place. If you’re finding yourself dreading coming to work, it may be time to move on.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help: Your managers and coworkers want you to succeed, and they are a resource for any questions or challenges you might have. Be sure to check in with your boss regularly and don’t be afraid to reach out for assistance.